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Grammar : Past Perfect and past perfect continuous


Read the text carefully :

I was born in the year 1976 in a remote village to the north of Oaurzazate ,Morocco. In 1986 I finished my primary school studies. I had lived during my primary education with a cousin named Lahcen. I joined University in 1996 to study English language and literature after I had taken my baccalaureate from a high school in Ouarzazte . Before 1996 I had chosen to study letters. I had been learning English for 4 years in Agadir ; then, I graduated with a bachelor of arts in the year 2000.”

The Past Perfect

·         The form of the past Perfect :   Had + past participle  

 (past participle: regular verbs : infinitive + ed example : I had lived.

                              Irregular verbs : I had chosen

·         The use : we use the past perfect tense to show an action that was completed before another action that took place in the past.

Linkers : Before / after / when / until / till / Because / so

examples :

- Before the tourists arrived, the train had left.

-The tourists arrived after the train had left .

- When the tourists arrived, the train had left .

They had stayed in the class room until / till the bell rang

They didn’t travel because the train had left.

Affirmative (+ ) :  had + past participle

I had joined the party.

I ‘d joined the party.

Negative (- ) : had not + past participle

I had not seen him before

I hadn’t seen him before

Interrogative ( ? ) : had +subject + past participle

Had the bus left?

Practice 1

Put the verbs in the past perfect.

1. I lost the key that he ___________            (give) to me yesterday.

2. He told me that he ___________            (see) the film before.

3. When they came home, Liza _________              (already cook) dinner.

4. We could not send you a postcard because we _________     (lose) your address.

5.The waiter served something that we  ___________        (not/order).

6.He went to the country which he _______                  (not/visit) before.

7.He _____________ (not/swim) in the beach before that day.

8.His mother was angry because he ____________ (not/do) the shopping for her.

9. (you/finish) _____________________ your homework before you went to the cinema?

10. Why (you/not/clean) _____________________ the bathroom before you took a bath?

11. (you/have) _____________________ breakfast before you left the house?

12. (she/manage) _____________________ to find a place to stay when she went to London?




Practice 2

Put the verbs in the simple past or past perfect

1.The storm ________________  (destroy) the house that they had built.

2.The students ________________ (clean) the blackboard they had used to do the Math exercise.

3.When she went out to play, she _____________ (already/do) her homework.

4.She ______________ (eat) all of the food that we had made.

5.He put on the jacket he ________________ (buy) from the new shopping mall.

6.Yesterday Laura _____________(go)  to the English club after she had finished her homework.


Practice 3 : Previous National Exams items

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense

-Bob and David enjoy (watch)  _____________science fiction films .Yesterday , they (go)  _____________ to the cinema, but when they arrived; they found that the film (already/start)  _____________           .So, the decided to have a walk along the coast .

- Najib Sidqi (get)  _____________     his degree in marketing before he started work at the bank. In 2007, he (conduct)  _____________ a piece of research on developing customer services. Now, he (be)  _____________   the manger of a bank agency .       


The Past Perfect Continuous


·         The form of the past perfect continuous  :   had been + verb+ ing

 Example :

I had been waiting .

I had not been waiting .

Had I been waiting ?


·         The use : we use the past perfect continuous for a long action that happened before a past action. It refers to a duration of an event in the past.



Use the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.

1. I  ________________    (try) to get tickets for that comedy show for months before my friend finally got them.

2. When I arrived at the theater, my friend ____________          (already/buy) the tickets.

3. He was really angry because he ________________     (wait) for more than half an hour when I arrived.

4. When the show started, I ____________     _(already/ apologize) to my friend.

5. We __________        (watch) the show when the lights went off.

6. Sarh was so tired .She ________________  (watch) the dishes for 2 hours.




1. When he arrived from his friends` party, his wife had slept.

2.  We had eaten breakfast before we went out working in a new company.

3. After students had finished writing the examples, they took a break of twenty minutes.

4. Their phone fall in a whole before they had taken a selfie.

5. She left him because he had dated another woman.

6. The grass became yellow because it had not rained all summer.

7. Had they understood the lesson before the professor explained it?

8. Children did homework after their mom had punished them.

9. I had never met her before the school holiday.

10. Before Jasmin got her promotion certificate, she had not been happy.

11. My friend told me that he had never visited India before.

12. Had they finished the project before the boss arrived?

A – Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect simple).

When he (wake up) ………………… , his mother (already / prepare) …………………breakfast.

We (go)………………… to London because the Queen (invite)………………… us for tea.

He (hear)………………… the news, (go) to the telephone and (call)………………… a friend.

When she (start)………………… to learn English, she (already / learn)………………… French.

Jane (already / type)………………… ten pages when her computer (crash)………………….

By the time he (arrive )…………………at the pub, they (run) …………………out of beer.

Before that day we (never / think)…………………of going to Japan.

I (know) …………………him for a long time before I (meet)………………… his family.

They (not / know) …………………where to meet because nobody (tell) …………………them.

It (be)………………… cloudy for days before it finally (begin)…………………to rain.

B-Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect simple) :

I can’t believe I (get)  ……………….. that apartment. I (submit)  ……………….. my application last week, but I didn’t think I had a chance of actually getting it. When I (show)  ……………….. up to take a look around, there were at least twenty other people who (arrive) had arrived before me. Most of them (fill, already)  ……………….. out their applications and were already leaving. The landlord said I could still apply, so I did.

I (try) ……………….. to fill out the form, but I couldn’t answer half of the questions. They (want)  ……………….. me to include references, but I didn’t want to list my previous landlord because I (have)  ……………….. some problems with him in the past and I knew he wouldn’t recommend me. I (end)  ……………….. listing my father as a reference.

It was total luck that he (decide)  ……………….. to give me the apartment. It turns out that the landlord and my father (go)  ……………….. to high school together. He decided that I could have the apartment before he (look)  ……………….. at my credit report. I really lucked out!
