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Grammar : Reported Speech - Unit (Citizenship)


Unit 7 (Citizenship) - Grammar : Reported Speech

=> Direct speech: “ I am revising my lessons here “ Dave said

=> Reported Speech: Dave said that he was revising his lessons there.

Note : If the reporting verb is in the present simple, present perfect, or future simple then we report the sentence as it is. we make no changes. Ex: “they will move from here next week “ =>He says/is saying /will say that they will move from here next week.

 But if the reporting verb is in simple past then certain changes are necessary. These changes affect:

Verbs - Pronouns ( I, you …. My, your …., mine, their …..) - Time indications ( yesterday, tomorrow, now, next ……) Place indications ( here, there, this place …..)

Direct speech

Reported Speech

present Simple

"I like ice cream."

past simple

He said that he liked ice cream.

Present continuous

I am learning English now.

 Past continuous

He said that he was learning English then.

Present perfect

"I haven't eaten my breakfast."

 Past perfect

He said that he hadn’t eaten his breakfast.

Past simple

I went to school.

Past perfect

He said that he had gone to school.

Past simple continuous

"I was watching a movie yesterday.

Past perfect continuous

He said that he had been watching a movie the day before.

Past perfect

"I had taken English lessons before."

Past perfect 

He said that he had taken English lessons before."

Future simple : will / shall + infinitive

"I will come next week."

Would / should+ infinitive

She said that she would / should come the following week.


Reporting modal verbs


Direct speech

Reported Speech

can / may /  must /  have to / should / could / would

might /  + infinitive

Could / might / had to / had to / should / could / would/ might + infinitive

"I can speak English."

"I must study for the exam."

She said that she could speak English.

She said that she had to study for the exam.


Reported Speech with the imperative (commands)


Direct speech

Reported Speech


- "Go to bed!"

- "Don't smoke!"

to + verb / not to + verb

- He told me to go to bed.

- He told me not to smoke


Reported Speech with questions


Direct speech

Reported Speech (Notice: – the question mark is omitted.

"Where is the post office, please?"

She asked me where the post office was.

"What are you doing?"

She asked me where the post office was.

"Are you listening to me?"

She asked me if I was listening to her.

 will you participate in the ceremony?” Kamal asked me

he wondered if /whether if /whether I would participate in the ceremony.



Adverbials of time and place

Direct Speech




.. days ago

last week

next year





Reported Speech

that day


the day before

… days before

the week before

the following year

the following day







Direct Speech





Reported Speech






A/ Practice 1

Rewrite the following sentences as suggested :


1- "It is raining in London now".

The weatherman said _____________________________________________________________

2- "I saw a great movie last week".

Loubna said _________________________________________________________________________

3-"We have lived in Rabat for three years".

Anas and Nada said _________________________________________________________________

4-"I will continue my education in Canada".

Najat told her classmates _____________________________________________________________

5-"Mark will marry next summer".

Jack told his friends ____________________________________________________________

6-"Jenny can't come to our party".

Pierre told his wife _______________________________________________________________

7-"I met one of my old friends at the beach last summer".

Hamid said _________________________________________________________________________

8-"You must do the exercises on page 9".

Mr.Brown told his students_____________________________________________________________

9-"My father went to Paris last month".

Imane said _________________________________________________________________________

10-"I'm not feeling well".

David said _________________________________________________________________________


B/ Practice 2 - Rewrite the following sentences as suggested :


1- "Drive slowly."

Mr.John told his son _______________________________________________________________

2- "Don't forget to buy some apples".

The woman told her husband__________________________________________________________

3-"Please help me with the homework"

Youness asked his sister _____________________________________________________________

4- "Don't be late for the meeting"

The manager reminded the workers __________________________________________________

5-"Watch out!"

The sign warned the drivers ____________________________________________________________

6."Don't waste your money,” she said.

 She told the boys_______________________________________________________________

7. "You should revise your lessons," he said.

He advised the students ______________________________________________________________________


C/ Practice 3

Complete the sentences with the reported speech.


1- "Do you like soccer?" He asked me.

He asked me ……………………………………………………………………………………

2."What have you decided to do?" she asked him.

She asked him ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3- “Where are you from? He asked Tom

He asked Tom ……………………………………………………………………………………………

4- Did you finish your exercise?” The teacher asked his students

The teacher asked his students ………………………………………………………………………..

5- Would you like to come with us?” They asked me

They asked me …………………………………………………………………………………

1- “I will move to another town ” Nadia said. ----Nadia told her neighbor that she would move to another town.

 2- “I have to be at the airport before 6 a.m.,” Richard said. 

Richard said that  he had to be at the airport before 6 a.m 

3- "Don't make a lot of noise when you are playing" 

he told me He told me  NOT TO make a lot of noise when I was playing 

4- "Don't worry, I will pay you back on Saturday" Rita said. 

Rita told me  NOT TO worry, she would pay me back on Saturday
