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Unit 3 : Formal, informal and non-formal education


Education Collocations

Educational system

Educational goals

Educational background

 School subject

School year

School uniform

Private lessons

 Private school

University graduate

 University degree

 Learning needs

Learning strategies

Learning goals

Adult illiteracy

 Adult education

1-Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word:     background - basic - goal - graduates - illiteracy – system

1. You need an educational _________________ in mathematics if you want to be an engineer .

2. Something should be done to reform the educational _________________  of the developing countries. 3.University _____________  find difficulties to get a job nowadays.

4.One educational _________________  for developing countries would be at least a _________________  education for every citizen.

5.Putting an end to adult _________________ is another priority for developing countries.


2-Fill in the blank with the appropriate words from the list

abroad, scholarship, degree, research, graduate

  At the end of this year, Leila will …………………from  high school, and get her ………………in plastic arts. As she is a very ambitious girl, she is thinking of going………………to carry on her higher  studies, and be able to conduct more…………….……because there are big libraries there.

 She knows that it is very expensive to study in a foreign country. So she  will try to get a …………………….  to cover her expenses
