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Units : 6 and 7 - 2nd Year Baccalaureate - Language Review

Units : 6 and 7 - 2nd Year Baccalaureate - Language Review 

I.     VocI.     Vocabulary:

A.Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list     (charity – sacrifice – volunteer –)

a)    Muslims must give ………………….. to poor people by the end of Ramadan.

b)   She is not willing to …………….her life in order to have children.

c)    ………….is someone who offers to do something without being forced or paid.


B.Match the words to form the right collocations

Culture      .               . diversity

Moral        .              . shock

Common   .              . obligations

Cultural     .              . good

Common.                .Obligation 

Global    .                 .Diversity



II.  Grammar:

C.Circle the appropriate meaning for each phrasal verb

a)    Intolerance brings about dislike.                        a- Causes to be seen. b- Causes to happen. c- Prevents from happening.

b)   When my father was abroad, he went through hard time.                          a- Experienced. b- Travelled. c- Did.

c)    He didn’t stay in a hotel. Some relative put him up.                                   a-Helped. b- Employed. c- Accommodated.

d)   They’ll probably put off this year’s spiritual music festival.                       a- Arrange b- Postpone c- Schedule

e)    Let’s check in the hotel and go on a quick tour around the town.                a-Register b- Pay c- Stay

f)     We have to look after our parents when they are old.                                a-Help b- Care c- Visit

D.Fill in the blanks with the right phrasal verb from the list

( wake up - find out - come back - stand for - Look after - look forward to - bring about    )

a)    Leila will be late for the party this afternoon because she needs to……………….. her little sister. She says she will join us when her parents…………………… from the dentist's.

b)   While travelling to Fes, the coach that we were riding ………………… the middle of the way.

c)    The aim of the Family Code in Morocco is to ……………………changes in the social conditions of women and children.

d)   I ……………………………seeing you again next summer

e)    Have you tried to …………………how much this mobile phone costs?

f)     The initials WHO……………………. World Health Organization.

g)    You had better……………early if you want to avoid the traffic jam.

E.Report the following sentences

a)    He told his father: “I was listening to the radio.”……………………………………………………………………………….

b)   She said: “the guests will arrive next week”…………………………………………………………………………………….

c)    He reported: “a lot of people participated in the campaign.”…………………………………………………………………....

d)   My friend said: “I’ve been reading a novel this week”………………………………………………………………………….

e)    He asked: «Are we going to start work tomorrow?”………………………………………………………..……………………

f)     She asked her “Are you married?”……………………………………………………………………………………………..

g)    He said “Jack broke his leg yesterday”…………………………………………………………………………………………

h)   He asked her “Will it take you long to come back?” …………………………………………………………………………..

III.    Communication:

 A.Match these expressions with their appropriate functions

1.    Sorry to bother you, but your service is terrible.                         .  A. Expressing apology

2.    If I were you, I would do my homework regularly.                    .   B. Making a request

3.    I’m terribly sorry I couldn’t come to the meeting.                      .  C. Giving Advice

4.    What should I do                                                                      .   D. Making a complaint

5.    Would you help me write the proposal?                                  .   E. Asking for Advice


B. Respond to the following situations appropriately

a)    You could not go to your partner’s birthday party. (Apologize) ………………………………………………………..................

b)   Your friend apologized for stepping on your foot. (Accept Apology) ………………………………………………………………

c)    Your friend : ‘’I want to be a good citizen .‘’ (Ask for Advice)……………………………………………................................

You : (Give Advice)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
